Monday 10 May 2010

Losing the Faith

These are sad times for shoes. High Street Footwear retailer Faith have announced that they've gone into administration. Damn the recession!
Of all the retailers, Faith always seemed to be a safe one for me; girls need shoes, ones that are a bit more durable that the pair purchased from Primark but are kinder on the bank balance than those from Kurt Geiger.
I had dismissed the idea that they were in trouble, even when I saw their branch back home plastered in red and yellow EVERYTHING MUST GO signs. Nooo, surely not...maybe they're moving to another part of town...but I was wrong. I popped into the Faith store in Leeds a couple days back and it was an absoulte chaos of stilettos, size nines and single shoes being up for sale. The assisstants working there were frolicking and giggling outrageously like school girls on a sugar rush - albeit highly unprofessional, I don't really blame them, they might as well have fun while it lasts. It's sad to know that another beloved British store has fallen victim to the credit crunch, it was hard enough when Woolworths closed down and my heart sunk when news of Borders came out. But, apparently, it's not all doom and gloom. Rumour has it that Debenhams might snatch up the business and make it their own - for better or for worse though, I'm not entirely sure. Either way, it looks like this is the end for Faith, so lets cherish these last few days we have with it together and take advantage of their '20% off everything' deal.
R.I.P Faith.


  1. I thought it was weird they were having an 'everything must go' sale.. I never suspected. Their business plan must have been terrible!

  2. P.s. 20% for a closing down sale!? is that all!?
